February 27, 2006
Moving Towards Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation
Updates to proposed comprehensive immigration reform legislation were
released at midnight on February 24. Specifically the draft text of the
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (the “Chairman’s Mark”) was
submitted by Sen. Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA). The
bill is expected to be formally introduced and marked up this week, and
could contain additional changes upon introduction. This legislation is
a consensus building document and includes provisions that speak to a guest
worker program and the undocumented population. One section of the legislation
that is of particular interest and concern to the business community is
Title III, entitled "Unlawful Employment of Aliens" which creates a new
Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS). If enacted as proposed,
EEVS will greatly affect the way the business community hires, recruits,
verifies and maintains documents on its employees. It is likely this provision
may be removed during mark up.
However, as it stands now EEVS would enhance the current I-9 process,
not replace it. No matter what is ultimately adopted businesses will likely
have to become familiar with not only a new verification process but with
new standards and requirements. Learning a new process, training human resource
staff and making the necessary infrastructure changes will not only be overwhelming
for employers, but it will also be financially burdensome. During the mark-up
of the bill, set to begin this Thursday, March 2, it is possible that EEVS
will be amended or eliminated and replaced with a new system. GT is intricately
involved in the legislative process and will be providing up to date alerts
to our clients and friends. Please e-mail
imminfo@gtlaw.com to be placed
on our mailing list. More information will be posted shortly on the entire
piece of legislation including the proposed guest worker program.