Immigration in Congress
111th Congress Highlights
- Congress Passes Extensions of Religious Worker and
Conrad 30 Programs
On September 26, 2008 the Senate passed a bill (S. 3606) to
extend the special immigrant non-minister religious worker program
through March 6, 2009. Continued...
read full update here.
- E-Verify Legislative Update (October 1, 2008)
On September 27, 2008, Congress completed work on
H.R. 2638 which contained a short-term reauthorization of
E-Verify and extended the program until March 6, 2009. Continued....
read full update here.
- September 2008 Update from the Hill
Congress has virtually ended its legislative year for 2008 with no
real accomplishments on the immigration front. In the waning days of
the Bush Administration and with an election on the horizon we
expect to see: Continued.... read full update here.
- Legislative Update - House Judiciary Committee Marking
Up Four Immigration Bills
The House Judiciary Committee is currently marking up H.R. 5882--a
bipartisan bill which will allow the recapturing of immigrant visa
numbers that have gone unused in past years due to bureaucratic
delays. Continued....
read full update here.
110th Congress Highlights
- Watch Out! Proposed Increases in H-1B Filing Fees
On October 23, 2007, Senate Amendment 3396, the Grassley-Sanders
amendment was included in the 2008 Department of Labor, Health and
Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriation
Act. Continued.... read full update
- Senators Vote to Defeat the Comprehensive Immigration Bill
The Senate this morning took a critical vote on a cloture
motion, which was required in order to stop debate and proceed to a
vote on final passage on the comprehensive immigration reform bill.
Continued.... read full update
- Update on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Reid, McConnell Statement on Immigration Bill (WASHINGTON,
D.C.)—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell made the following statement today.
Continued.... read full update
- Comprehensive Immigration Reform Debate in the U.S. Senate
GT's National Business Immigration and Compliance Practice
co-chair, Laura Reiff continues to be in the thick of the
negotiations and things are moving in the Senate...and they could
move very quickly considering Wednesday is the deadline for a
bipartisan immigration bill. If there is no bill, Majority Leader
Reid will call up the comprehensive immigration bill which passed
last year (S. 2611) and which everyone now seems to have a problem
with. Continued.... read full update
- Update On Upcoming Senate Vote on Comprehensive Immigration
On Wednesday, May 16, 2007, the Democrats indicated they will go
forward with a procedural vote on last year’s SB-2611, if no new
comprehensive immigration reform bill is agreed on.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Update from Capital Hill
The issue of comprehensive immigration reform has been brought back
to the floor of the Senate by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid
(D-Nev). Senator Reid has appealed to President Bush an ardent
supporter of comprehensive immigration reform to lend his support to
Senate debate. If Senate negotiators reach a deal in the coming
days, Senator Reid has promised to bring the proposal to a vote.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Recent Draft of White House Immigration Reform
On April 5, 2007, a document dealing with immigration reform
prepared by the White House was unintentionally released. The
document outlines six major components of immigration reform:
securing U.S. borders; reforming the employment verification process
for employers and increasing penalties for non- compliance; creating
a “Y visa” category for temporary workers; creating a “Z visa”
category for current undocumented workers; requiring English
proficiency, civics training, and an oath of allegiance; and making
immigration policies simple, efficient, and workable.
Continued.... read full update
- Introduction of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill in the
House of Representatives (STRIVE ACT)
On March 22nd, Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake
(R-AZ) introduced bi-partisan comprehensive immigration reform
legislation in the House of Representatives. Entitled “Security
Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act of 2007”
(STRIVE Act) (H.R. 1645) this legislation is a good start to moving
the immigration debate forward.
Continued.... read full update
- Update From the Hill
Greenberg Traurig Shareholder Laura Reiff is very hopeful that
we will see positive changes to the immigration law. "We are working
diligently to support a comprehensive solution to immigration
reform. CIR is good for business, employees and for the American
people" Reiff said. Continued....
read full update here.
Congress Highlights
- House and Senate Summertime Hearings on Immigration
This month marked the beginning of a series of hearings that will be
conducted nationwide to further examine the complexities of our
failed immigration system and to determine what provisions a new
piece of legislation needs to include to remedy the issues.
Moreover, the hearings to be held throughout the summer will examine
the nation’s labor needs and the porous borders that need to be
Continued.... read full update here.
- Overview of Congressman Mike Pence’s (R-IN) “Pence Plan”
Recently the White House invited Rep. Pence (R-IN) to discuss the
Congressman’s immigration plan, dubbed the “Pence Plan.” Rep. Pence,
a leading conservative in the House is a leading proponent of the
House’s bill, H.R. 4437. In realizing that there were drastic
differences between the House and Senate bill and what the President
envisions, the Representative designed his own immigration reform
proposal which he explained in detail last week to the President and
Vice President Cheney.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Senate Passes the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006
What a roller coaster ride 2006 Debate about comprehensive
immigration reform has been. We sank low in December 2005, when the
House passed a strict enforcement only bill (H.R. 4437) that did not
include provisions for a guest worker program nor did it address the
issues of 12 million undocumented immigrants currently living and
residing in the U.S. However, in a rare instance of true bi-partisan
collaboration, the Senate moved forward with balancing enforcement
and border security with the economics and realities of the
undocumented, but critical, workforce. Specifically under the
leadership of Majority Leader Frist (R-TN) and Minority Leader Reid
(D-NV) the full senate spent the past few months proposing, debating
and revising legislation. Finally, late yesterday, May 25th, the
Senate passed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Update on Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006
Motion for Cloture Filed: With the hope of bringing this
debate to an end, Senator Frist filed for cloture on Monday evening,
May 22. We anticipate seeing a vote on cloture by noon on May 23 and
expect a vote on the underlying bill, the Comprehensive Immigration
Reform Act of 2006, not long after.
The Senate Continues to Offer Up Amendments to the Comprehensive
Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611): The Senate continues
to debate the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 and offer
amendments to the bipartisan compromise. Though there have been many
amendments discussed and voted on in the last several days, we would
like to bring your attention to the following amendments addressed
this week:
Continued.... read full update here.
- Senate to Take Up Immigration Beginning Monday, May 15
We have learned that comprehensive immigration reform legislation
will go before the full Senate on Monday, May 15. It is our
understanding that the Senate has set aside two-weeks to debate the
issue on the floor with the hopes of passing a bill out of Senate
before they adjourn for Memorial Day recess. Though no deal
regarding procedure (number of amendments and conferees) has been
agreed to, progress is being made and we anticipate that an
agreement is forthcoming. It is important to note that the
substantive compromise remains in tact.
Click here to
access a chart that outlines some of the major provisions of this
bi-partisan compromise.
- Another snag in Immigration Reform?
As GT attorneys continue to assist in drafting a workable
comprehensive immigration reform bill, the situation continues to
change. Political maneuvers have come into play and are complicating
the debate even further. Senator Reid motioned for cloture
yesterday. What this means is that a Senate vote has to occur within
one hour from the the start of business tomorrow morning.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Exciting News From Capitol Hill: Overview of the Bill Passed
Out of the Senate Judiciary Committee 3/27/2006
GT commends and applauds Chairman Specter and the Senate Judiciary
Committee members for passing a bill out of committee on March 27,
2006. The legislative process ran its course and Chairman Specter
remained committed to producing a bipartisan bill out of committee.
It is our hope that Senator Frist will respect this process and the
product passed out of the Judiciary Committee. Although the bill is
not concrete and amendments can be made on the Senate floor, there
was a great deal of progress made and the Committee product is a
strong starting point for further debate on the Senate floor.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Senate Judiciary Committee Continues to Mark-Up Specter’s Mark:
What does this mean to the business community?
The Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA), is continuing
to work towards comprehensive immigration reform legislation. As previously reported
by GT, a draft of the Chairman’s Mark was released on February 24. The Senate Judiciary
Committee began mark-up, the process by which the bill is analyzed and amended,
on comprehensive immigration reform on Thursday, March 2nd with opening statements.
The Committee continued its work on Wednesday, March 8th and Thursday, March 9th
when it marked-up Title I Border Enforcement, Title II Interior Enforcement and
began on Title III, Unlawful Employment of Aliens. Though the Committee set aside
last Wednesday and Thursday to continue mark-up of Title III, Title IV, Nonimmigrant
and Immigrant Visa Reform, Title V, Backlog Reduction, Title VI, Conditional Nonimmigrant
Workers, it was unable to address each Title and no votes were taken. Due to an
overwhelming number of amendments offered, the Judiciary Committee has not yet completed
mark-up and it is unlikely that it will. Chairman Specter did however conduct frank
and open discussions with committee members regarding some of the more contentious
issues including a guest worker program and the undocumented immigrants in the U.S.
Continued.... read full update here.
- So Many Amendments, So Little Time: An Incomplete Mark-Up?
The introduction of hundreds of amendments has impacted the mark-up
process. With so many amendments being offered to the Chairman’s Mark,
it is very unlikely that the entire comprehensive immigration reform
bill will be mark-ed up. What this means is that many of the critical
issues, including the undocumented currently within our nation’s
borders and the proposed guest worker program, may not be debated.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Moving Towards Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation
Updates to proposed comprehensive immigration reform legislation were
released at midnight on February 24. Specifically the draft text of
the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (the “Chairman’s
Mark”) was submitted by Sen. Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen
Specter (R-PA). The bill is expected to be formally introduced and
marked up this week, and could contain additional changes upon
introduction. This legislation is a consensus building document and
includes provisions that speak to a guest worker program and the
undocumented population.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Department of Homeland Security Announces Extension of TPS
In a continuing effort to assist El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua
in recovering from the natural disasters that affected the Central
American region, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a
decision to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for an additional
12 months for all three countries.
Continued.... read full update here.
- The President’s American Competitiveness Initiative and Call to
Increase the H-1B Cap
During his State of the Union address on Tuesday, January 31, 2006,
President Bush spoke briefly about immigration reform, specifically
mentioning the need and importance of a guest worker program. What was
not mentioned during the address, but was addressed in a press release
from the White House released the same day, was the President’s
commitment to the American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI). This
initiative, ACI, encourages American innovation necessary to compete
in a global economy.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Reaction to the State of the Union: The Business Community
Stands Ready to Work Collaboratively with the Administration on
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
The business community is pleased with the comments made by
President Bush during the State of the Union regarding immigration. In
addressing and acknowledging the value of immigrant workers and noting
the indispensable contributions they make to our nation, the President
stated that...
Continued.... read full update here.
- A Closer Look at the Guest Worker Proposals being Considered by
the Senate
One of the major sticking points in the comprehensive immigration
reform debate is the guest worker program. The House bill did not
include a provision allowing for a guest worker program, the
Administration supports a program and the Senate is currently debating
the issue. Click here to take a closer look at the some of the key measures
being proposed.
- The Senate to Take Up Comprehensive Immigration Reform
The Senate reconvened on Wednesday, January 19, 2006 for the Second Session of
the 109th Congress. According to Senate leadership, we can anticipate a debate on
measures that address comprehensive immigration reform in early March, following
the Alito confirmation hearing and hearings on the NSA domestic wiretapping program.
We expect that the Senate will go beyond the House’s enforcement only approach and
we have reason to believe that a temporary worker program will be part of the Senate’s
reform bill.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Diverse Immigration Coalition Calls on Senate for Comprehensive Immigration
Reform that Addresses the Real Issues
In opposition to the House bill, the Essential Workers Immigrant Coalition (EWIC),
a group of business leaders, immigrant advocates, religious leaders
and union leaders united and held a press conference in Washington,
D.C. on January 19 , 2006 to discuss real comprehensive immigration
reform measures. “It
is encouraging to see divergent organizations coming together to
support a total reform of our broken immigration system,” stated
Laura Reiff, an immigration attorney at Greenberg
Traurig and EWIC co-chair.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Reactions After the Passage of Rep. Sensenbrenner’s Bill, H.R. 4437,
the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control
Act of 2005
Read reactions from GT’s Business Immigration Group, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO),
the Business Community, Unions and Human Resource Executives.
Continued.... read full update here.
- What is the Next Step in Comprehensive Immigration Reform?
According to Senate leadership, we can anticipate a debate in February
on measures that address comprehensive immigration reform. We expect that
the Senate will go beyond the House’s enforcement only approach and we
have reason to believe that a temporary worker program will be part of
the Senate’s reform bill.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Senate Confirms Emilio T. Gonzalez as Director of USCIS
On January 3, 2006, Emilio T. Gonzales, Ph.D., will take office as
the Director of USCIS. In the interim, Robert C. Divine will remain the
Acting Deputy Director of USCIS, the position he has held since the appointment
of the previous director, Eduardo Aguirre.
- The House Passes Rep. Sensenbrenner’s Bill Restrictive Immigration
Bill - No Temporary Worker Provisions Included
Representative Sensenbrenner’s devastating bill, H.R. 4437, the
Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act
of 2005, passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 239-182. The
split was Republicans 203-12, Democrats 36-164 and Independents 0-1.
Continued.... read full update here.
Representative Sensenbrenner Introduced Immigration Enforcement
Legislation (December 6, 2005).
House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.)
introduced H.R. 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal
Immigration Control Act of 2005. This legislation is dangerous and does
not address the need to find a legal solution to dealing with the undocumented
workers in the U.S. The legislation does not include a plan for the future
flow of guest workers to enter the U.S. and it seeks to drive out 7-11
million undocumented immigrant workers. It will also create an Employment
Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) that could severely limits workers'
claims, including prohibiting class action lawsuits against the government.
Continued.... read full update here.
- Three Comprehensive Immigration Reform Proposals:
- Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 (S. 1033).
- Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005 (S. 1438).
- Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) Comprehensive Legislative Package:
national security (S. 1916);
employment eligibility verification (S.1917);
future guest workers (S. 1918); and
earned legalization and backlog reduction (S. 1919).
here for a brief overview comparing the three pieces of legislation.
Recent Legislative and Lobbying Activities
- GT’s Business Immigration Group supports the immigration reform proposal
promoted by Senators McCain and Kennedy and is currently working closely
with all relevant offices to reach a solution. Senator Spector, the chair
of the Judiciary Committee has introduced a Chairman’s Mark-up and is
seeking a compromise that would ensure that reform is addressed in a practical,
realistic and fair manner.
- Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC) is an intricate part
of moving comprehensive immigration reform forward. The Essential Worker
Immigration Coalition (EWIC) is a coalition of businesses, trade associations,
and other organizations from across the industry spectrum concerned with
the shortage of both skilled and lesser skilled ("essential worker") labor.
EWIC stands ready to work with the Administration and Congress to push
forward on important immigration reform issues.
EWIC supports policies that facilitate the employment of essential
workers by U.S. companies and organizations. Current immigration law largely
prevents the hiring of foreign essential workers. EWIC supports reform
of US immigration policy to facilitate a sustainable workforce for the
American economy while ensuring our national security and prosperity.
Click here for more
about this coalition.
- Press Release - EWIC expresses its concern with immigration enforcement
legislation introduced by Representative Sensenbrenner, Chairman of
the House Judiciary Committee.
Click here for EWIC’s full statement.
- Talking Points - EWIC is troubled by Rep. Sensenbrenner’s bill and
has drafted talking points addressing how this legislation will hurt
the business community.
Click here
to access the talking Points.
Business Immigration Group in the News
- Voice of America News - Immigration Reform the Domestic Focus for
President Bush (November 2005).
“Immigration lawyer
Laura Reiff believes the guest worker program, as it stands, is
impractical. ‘We don't think people will come out of the shadows and
sign up, which defeats the national security purpose. We want to know
who's here so we can use our limited enforcement mechanisms to go after
the bad guys.’”
Click here to view
the full article.
- Legal Times, “Jobs to be Filled: Legislation Reform Should Include
a Temporary Work Program for Laborers,” (October 2005).
“The U.S. immigration system is in disarray. The federal government
has tried reorganizing immigration agencies under different titles and
duties, passing piecemeal legislation, and creating amnesty with no
thought to future immigration. These efforts haven’t worked. Worse,
they have crippled immigration enforcement efforts, jeopardized the
safety of citizens, and threatened our economic security. The stumbling
point for these efforts has been how to deal realistically with the
hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals who continue to come here
every year, often by illegal means, to meet demands for lesser-skilled
yet essential jobs.”
here to view the full article.
“Say [Dawn] Lurie and [Laura] Reiff, “The big issue now is the cap
because companies are no longer able to bring in workers. […] The bottom
line, they say, is that ‘when businesses need to hire people, they shouldn’t
have these arbitrary limits. That’s the real philosophical battle, and
we hope with comprehensive reform we’ll get over that hurdle.”
Click here to view the full article.
News and Updates
- Rep. Kolbe’s Retirement.
Rep. Kolbe's recent announcement that he will be retiring has many immigration
advocates worried about the fate of immigration law reform. Rep. Kolbe,
noted for co-sponsoring the McCain-Kolbe-Flake immigration reform proposal,
advocated for legalization as a key component of comprehensive immigration
reform. According to political analyst Stuart Rothenberg, "when Congress
picks up the debate after 2006, [Rep.] Kolbe's retirement will be felt.
It robs the Republicans of an intelligent voice ... someone who has been
thinking about this issue and talking about it," he said.
- 2006 AILA Lobby Day
Lobby Day is AILA's opportunity to show up on Capitol Hill as a critical
mass of hundreds of immigration policy experts. Last year AILA members
visited more than 300 Congressional Offices to educate senators, representatives,
congressional and committee staff about the real impact of immigration
laws. At Lobby Day you'll learn how to talk about the specific ways that
immigration laws affect your clients and your practice. You will be able
to speak to your Members of Congress about the way that their votes on
immigration legislation affect the quality of life of their constituents.
Join with hundreds of AILA members to make an impression on US policy
makers. A critical mass cannot be ignored. For complete details about
AILA Lobby Day, please contact AILA's Advocacy Department at 202-216-2400.
Registration Required, but free.
