August 7, 2001
Ziglar’s Nomination as Commissioner of the INS
On July 31, 2001, James Ziglar’s nomination as the next Commissioner
of the Immigration and Naturalization Service was confirmed by the Senate.
Mr. Ziglar is due to report to the INS on August 2. Since 1998, Ziglar has
been the Senate’s Sergeant at Arms. As such, he served as the Senate’s chief
protocol and law enforcement officer. He was also responsible for providing
administrative support to the senators. Given his background, it is not
surprising that his appointment as Commissioner has received substantial
bi-partisan support within the Senate. As a result, he is expected to be
confirmed without significant challenge.
In his testimony before the Senate late last month, Ziglar stated his
interest in solving many of the agency’s problems and noted his main goals
as Commissioner: (1) to make sure that all who interact with the INS are
treated with respect and dignity; (2) to decrease the length of time in
which it currently takes someone who submits a petition to the agency to
receive a response, irrespective of the outcome; (3) to re-energize the
agency and change its culture; and (4) to re-organize INS in a more rational
manner. He is hopeful this re-organization can be accomplished in efficiently
at the administrative, rather than Congressional, level.