Immigration News Flash
June 30, 2003
On-Site Visits for Religious Workers
Colleagues in Texas recently reported that religious workers have been visited
in recent weeks by local Investigations Officer. In at least one such case,
the Officer stated that he was verifying that the religious worker was actually
a minister, the position noted on the petition filed (and at that time still
pending). The religious worker was at the church at the time the Officer
visited and provided them with a tour of the premises. While the Officer
indicated that he was satisfied of the legitimacy of the individual’s position,
the BCIS Texas Service Center issued a denial of the I-360 immigrant visa
petition this week. It appears that the denial post dated the on-site investigation.
While at the present time such investigations appear to be limited to religious
workers, at least one report indicates that other employment-based petitions
in the Houston District area may also be targeted for investigation.