September 25, 2003
DHS Conducting Random Onsite "Checks" of Business Petitions
GT has learned that the Bureaus of Citizenship and Immigration services
(CIS) and the Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) of the Department
of Homeland Security have joined efforts in a random investigation of petitioners
and beneficiaries of business-based and other immigration petitions. The
investigation, which has not been officially announced or acknowledged,
focuses on petitions filed with CIS -- confirming the facts of those petitions,
ensuring the worker is indeed performing the job cited, signatures of the
petitioner and beneficiary, etc. Anecdotal evidence suggests that ICE is
looking specifically for misrepresentations, asking questions related to
the job duties and responsibilities, jobsite location, etc. Several companies
(large and small) have already been visited. Employees are visited at the
home addresses listed with CIS, some in the early morning hours. The extent
of the investigation is not known, but several investigators have stated
that thousands of files and employees are involved.
GT will provide more details as they become available. If you have been
visited and want to share details of your experience, please email us at