August 5, 2011
Congressional Immigration Highlights
On August 1, 2011, the House of Representatives passed a bill (H.R.
398) allowing a toll of immigrant petitions for active-duty petitioners
or beneficiaries, thus allowing time to file for removal of conditions
on residence and/or to appear for an interview. The House also passed a
bill (H.R. 1933) modifying the requirements for H-1C nurses, a visa
category that expired on December 20, 2009.
More than 100 immigration-related bills are currently pending in
Congress. The Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act
(S.1196), which would expand the use of E-Verify, was introduced on June
14, 2011 and is currently in committee. The DREAM Act of 2011 (S. 952;
H. 1842) authorizes the adjustment of status for certain foreign
nationals who entered the U.S. as children. Both the House and Senate
versions are currently in committee.