December 20, 2012
USCIS Offers E-Verify Employer Search Tool
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently announced the rollout of a new, free E-Verify employer search tool now available for use through its website. The tool permits users to filter, sort and export data on employers and federal contractors with five or more employees who have self-reported to the system. Users can run searches filtering by employer name, zip code, city, and/or whether or not the employer is a federal contractor. This tool replaces the list of employers and associated data that was previously available on the E-Verify website, and includes a function that enables users to export a full data spread in the form of an Excel sheet of all information contained in the database. USCIS has also provided a list of caveats for use of the new tool which bear noting, including 1) that the list is not exhaustive with regard to an employer’s business locations; 2) that the employer may have registered for E-Verify using its legal name as opposed to its trade name known by the public; and 3) that E-verify does not collect contract information such as DUNS numbers, number of personnel on a contract and subcontractor status, thus making it impossible to make determinations through use of the tool on issues such as how many employees need to be verified.
You may access the tool on the USCIS website by clicking here