H-1B Cap Numbers Still Available
As of June 19, 2009, approximately 44,5000
cap-subject petitions had been received by United States Citizenship
& Immigration Services (USCIS) and counted towards the fiscal year
2010 H-1B cap (October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010). Approximately
20,000 petitions qualifying for the advanced degree cap exemption
had been filed. USCIS will continue to accept both cap-subject
petitions and advanced degree petitions until a sufficient number of
H-1B petitions have been received to reach the statutory limits. In
past years, the H-1B cap numbers have consistently closed in early
April, as the first day for filing H-1B cap petitions for the new
fiscal year is April 1st .
This year, USCIS continues to accept H-1B petitions subject to the
general cap. Numbers still remain availale at this time. However, we
recommend filing any new H-1B petitions quickly to ensure that they
are filed before USCIS receives the total 65,000 petitions.