GT Business Immigration Observer
Update on SEVIS "Student and Exchange Visitor Information System" ProgramWork on establishing and implementing the SEVIS system is moving steadily along. INS and educators across the country are working together to meet the January 1, 2003 deadline. While many issues are not yet resolved, INS has made steady progress with the SEVIS system. The program is currently being tested in the Boston area. This testing time will aid INS and the educators determine any technical and practical difficulties in the system. Currently the target release date for the interactive web based version portion of SEVIS is July 1, 2002. In an attempt to facilitate a smooth transition and continue working with educators the INS will have five regional coordinators that will work with their regions to implement the system, educate and train the users of SEVIS and maintain a constant dialogue regarding the system. The fee required for the use of the SEVIS system has not been finalized yet. However, it is expected that the INS will issue an interim final rule in the Federal Register. It is also not known when each school would have to be fully compliant and using the SEVIS system. This information has not yet been released by INS. In addition, each school will have to receive authorization to use the SEVIS system. The authorization for using the SEVIS system has not been determined yet.