Guest Worker Essential Worker Immigration
EWIC is a coalition of businesses, trade associations, and other organizations
from across the industry spectrum concerned with the shortage of both skilled
and lesser skilled ("essential worker") labor. Greenberg Traurig Shareholder
Laura Reiff is a co-chair of
the coalition. In light of continuing talks between President Bush and President
Fox we hope to see some movement on this front before the end of the year.
The following article appeared in AILA Washington Update, Volume 6,
Number 16, November 8, 2002
Immigration Reform and U.S./Mexico Discussions
At the end of October, President Bush and Mexican President Vicente
Fox met during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting held in Baja,
California. While the issue of terrorism dominated their conversations,
many are urging the resumption of migration discussions. The Mexican government
is continuing its efforts to urge the U.S. to reform migration laws, with
President Fox facing difficult congressional elections next year due to,
among other issues, rising criticism in Mexico that he has achieved nothing
despite his efforts to work closely with the United States.
Just Prior to the Baja meeting, Senator Tom Daschle (D-SD) and Representative
Dick Gephardt (D-MO) sent a letter to President Bush urging the President
to re-energize efforts to "develop policies on immigration, economic development
and counter-narcotics." Both reiterated their support for "comprehensive
immigration reform that improves national security while recognizing the
contributions hard-working immigrants have made to this country."
National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice indicated in late October
that the two Presidents "continue to keep (migration) on the agenda."
Secretary of State Colin Powell weighed in on the issue during a November
4 State Department press conference. Acknowledging that September 11 has
made it a more difficult issue, and that the U.S. needed to "needed a
pause" to take a look at visas and border control, he stated that the
U.S. "remains committed to immigration reform, remains committed to safe
travel back and forth across our border and minimizing the risk to Mexicans
who come into our country. We remain committed to finding a way to move
forward with worker access and with regularization and all the other migration
issues." He further noted that "there is an understanding in the United
States political system that we have to do something about migration."
AILA strongly supports comprehensive immigration reform that includes
three components: a regularization (or earned legalization) for hard-working
people living in the U.S., a new temporary worker program, and the opening
up of legal channels for family- and business-based immigration."
Posted on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 02110841 (Nov. 8, 2002)."
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